The best women s running jackets of 2018 outdoor gear lab you don t have to choose between windproof and waterproof with the ultra you get both.
Ultimate direction ultra jacket.
It weighs in at 3 5 ounces in both the men s and women s models and is made of the same 10d high strength 2 5l nylon material as the jacket.
The ultimate direction ultra pant v2 is a simple comfortable to run in and highly protective pant.
30 000 mm water entry pressure and 30 000 moisture vapor transmission rate.
The ultimate direction ultra jacket is a 6 3 ounce lightweight rain jacket in a size men s xl that is light enough to be used as a wind shirt or a rain jacket.
5 6 oz 160 g.
With the ultimate direction ultra jacket v2 you don t have to choose between windproof and waterproof anymore.
Ultimate direction ultra jacket uk ireland supplier the ultramarathonrunning store is the ultimate direction uk and ireland online supplier retailer.
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We also ship internationally including to the us canada europe australia new zealand and the rest of the world.
Jackets hats shirts and more.
The ultra jacket v2 is an interesting product in this lineup and one that we found to be focused more on features than comfort which isn t necessarily a bad thing.
This new ultra jacket is redesigned to breath better and keep you drier during intense activity thanks the the fabric s 30 000 mm water entry.
Using state of the art materials designs ultimate direction makes the lightest hydration packs water belts for running endurance sports.
Ultimate direction ultra pant v2.
We can t help but admit that ultimate direction makes great running products so we were naturally excited to try out their clothing.
Specially designed for ultra runners in europe s ultra trail du mont blanc it has high waterproof breathability ratings in lab tests but like all waterproof breathable rain.
With the fastbreath ultra 10d high strength nylon 2 5l fabric you get the best of both.
Women s ultra jacket v2.
Ultimate direction ultra jacket version 2 uk ireland supplier ultramarathon running store is the ultimate direction uk and ireland online supplier retailer.
Exceeds the breathability and waterproof standards required by the ultra tour du mont blanc.
Apparel that s built by runners for runners.